Knowledge is a precious asset in our life. We believe that Sharing knowledge will be spread from the person to other person and passed on forever.
We focus on the following topics:
– Technology: Programing Languages, Web, Software Testing, Web Scraping
– Soft skills: Time Management, Problem Solving, Negotiation ..
– Travel: Vietnam
– Savings: Personal Finance Management
Cover photo guideline on facebook
Dimension: Desktop: 851 px wide x 315 px tall. Mobile: 640 px wide x 360 px tall. If your uploaded ...
Change button color in WordPress Twenty Seventeen themes
Change "Post comment" button color. Please follow these steps: Go to Appearance → Customize. Select “Additional CSS”. Then insert the ...
Hướng dẫn cách nộp hộ chiếu trực tuyến
Hộ chiếu có gắn chíp điện tử là hộ chiếu có gắn thiết bị điện tử lưu giữ thông tin ...
RESTful API Design Best Practices
In order to design great RESTful APIs, we should follow the best practices or guidelines to implement and maintain them ...