Today, I would like to share with you what a virtual environment is and why we should setup a virtual environment on Python.
Assumption that you are working on two different projects: Project A & Project B.
Project A requires python 2.7 and request 2.x.
Project B requires python 3.x and request 3.x.
How should you do ?
A virtual environment is the right way to do it.
A Python virtual environment is to create an isolated environment for Python projects. Each project has its own dependencies
virtualenv (python 2.x) or venv (built-in in python 3.x)
a. Install pip
b. Install virualenv
– Python 2.x: pip install virutalenv
– Python 3.x: venv module had already installed
To create a virtual environment
mkdir your_project
cd your_project
– Python 2.x: virtualenv my_env
– Python 3.x: python3 -m venv my_env
To use the the packages/resources
- Windows
- my_env\Scripts\activate.bat
- Linux:
- $source my_env/bin/activate
- (my_env)$
To install the package
- Windows: my_env\Scripts\pip.exe install package_name
- Linux: my_env/Scripts/pip install package_name
To stop the virtual environment
- Windows: deactivate
- Linux: $deactivate
To manage virtual environments
- Purpose:
- Organize all virtual environments in one location
- Can create, delete or copy the environment
- a single command to switch between environments
- Tool:
- Windows: virtualenwrapper-win
- Linux: virtualenwrapper
- How to use